What I have told you so far is an introductory hat to what a local strategy can be, useful for all types of social networks and situations. Here are some tips or ideas that should not be missing from your strategy:
Participate in local activities .
Make people understand that following you on social media is all for their benefit (they might discover discounts, offers, special promotions).
Make your users participate in your company's activities.
Encourage users to create positive word of mouth .
Do localized ads .
Create empathy and bond with customers.
Some of these points I have already covered in the introduction, others are easy to understand.
The perfect local marketing strategy? It's in the middle of two worlds: and offline
As you may have understood by reading up to this point, to create a good local strategy you must not only look at the world but also and above all at the offline one .
Unlike many other utilities, the local one contains
thailand data these two worlds and one cannot do without the other, indeed one can positively influence the other and vice versa.
So running a local business is more complex?
Ni … it is not more complex, but you definitely have to know the customs and habits of the place well, you have to know the traditions, the times etc. Once you have done this you must never disconnect yourself from that type of reality , on the contrary you have to make it better and amplify your efforts to the nth degree to obtain the maximum result.